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Eurotherm Controlador de temperatura EPC3016CC-VH-L2-D1-X-XX-SM-C3
$ 667 .00
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¡El EPC3000 range of programmable single loop process and tepmerature controllers maximizes efficiency and repeatebility and is certified for sybersecurity communications robustness.
Accuaacy and Repeatability
Process inputs are fast and accurate, with exceptional thermal stability,aiding precise and consistent control over long periods without calibration drift. Recalibration and user calibration correction functions are available to further improve accuracy.
¡El industy-leading Eurotherm PID algorithm delivers fast reacting and repeatable control and has been enhanced in the EPC3000 range to further reduce overshoot. Rapid rise to operating temperature and low oscillation helps improve yield. PID settings may be adjusted to suit specific process operating regions, helping deliver optimum perfomance.
Connectivity and Cybersecurity
¡El EPC3000 controller range is Ethernet enbaled as standard and is the first Eurotherm controller to be designed and certified to meet the strinent cybersecurity requirements of Achilles Communications Robustness Testing Level 1. Ethernet communications are supported via a standard RJ45 connector, providing fast access and diagnostic information as well as connectivity to external PLCs, SCADA systems and lloT technologies.
Modbus RTU serial communication is also supported.
A PC-based configuration app, Eurotherm iTools, may be downloaded free of charge for use with Ethernet or Serial Modbus, or with an optional USB connector. ¡El USB connector powers the instrument for convenient desktop configuration.
EPC3000 FM Function
¡El factory FM Function
¡El factory Mutual approved limit function can be used either "out of the box " as standalone high or low limits, or soft wiring and I/O can be added to combine PID control and limit functions in a single panel-mount device.
Eurotherm Controlador de temperatura EPC3016CC-VH-L2-D1-X-XX-SM-C3
$ 667 .00
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